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Our solid hydrogen storage solution integrated into your mobility projects.

Traction and propulsion hydrogen chain

Mincatec Energy’s tanks seamlessly integrate into all types of vehicles for decarbonized mobility.

Mobile applications
  • Public works machinery
  • Airport vehicles
  • Material handling equipment
  • Agricultural & viticultural machinery
  • Maritime & river boats: propulsion & onboard life
  • Ferrovial applications
  • Light private vehicles
  • Road maintenance equipment
  • Last-mile delivery trucks
Why ?
  • Need for counterweight
  • Good density -> increase in autonomy
  • Easy and fast recharging: low-pressure ecosystem – local production
  • Cogeneration: thermal coupling of tanks/fuel cell -> increased overall system efficiency
  • Volume constraint
  • Battery substitution: volume and weight reduction
  • Reduced recharge time

MHYTIC - Metal HYdride Tank Innovative Car

Our demonstrator vehicle

Labelled by :

In partnership with :

Co-financed by :

Demonstrating that solid hydrogen storage meets the needs of mobility.

  • Complete retrofit of a vehicle
  • Integration of a low-pressure 1 kg solid H2 reservoir
  • New electric and hydrogen architecture
  • New control system & optimized energy management
  • Vehicle homologation


  • Range: 180 km
  • Charging time: less than 10 minutes
  • Cold start: -7°C
  • Energy source: hydrogen

PERSPECTIVES: Industrial-scale deployment of our technology to other areas of mobility.

BARGE Project

Building a dual-boat (a motorized boat and a barge) powered by hydrogen propulsion, dedicated to cultural production and dissemination, scheduled to begin in 2024.


– Low-carbon and innovative solution approach

– Hybrid Solution: Electric and Hydrogen

– Energy self-sufficiency for 2 days of navigation and 4 days of events

– Budget-optimized solution

– Secure solution

– Independent of the deployment of electric charging stations and hydrogen refueling stations

E10 project: 100% electric boat

Supported by : 


– Sizing, choice of components, partnerships with suppliers (Battery, Engine, etc.)

–  Mechanical integration

– EE architecture / BV-HV beams

– MINCATEC energy control and management system

Project partners :

Let’s build a zero-emission, sustainable, and secure energy future.