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Our CSR-ESG approach

Our commitment to CSR is at the heart of our mission, as we firmly believe that companies have a crucial role to play in building a sustainable future for all.

« Convinced that we all have a role to play in preparing a sustainable future for future generations, I have embarked on innovating in the field of hydrogen storage. With my diverse team of experts, engineers, and technicians from various fields, we have developed a unique French solution for storing hydrogen in solid form without constraints and without the need for energy to operate it. This technology is the future market solution for numerous stationary applications as well as for land and maritime mobility. MINCATEC Energy aims to become the world’s number one player in hydrogen storage using metal hydrides.»

Yann Genninasca, President

« MINCATEC Energy has embarked on a concrete, realistic, and measurable approach to corporate social responsibility. Through its hydrogen activities, MINCATEC Energy contributes to the energy transition and ensures environmental coherence in its daily management through the active involvement of all stakeholders within the company, including the management and employees. »

Gloria Martin, Quality Manager and CSR

Mincatec Energy obtains the Bronze Ecovadis label, a recognition of its CSR commitment !

Obtaining this label demonstrates Mincatec Energy’s unwavering commitment to its environmental and social responsibility, placing the company at the forefront of sustainable initiatives in the energy sector.

What is the EcoVadis label ?
ÉcoVadis is a globally recognized platform for evaluating companies according to their environmental, social and ethical performance.

The EcoVadis assessment covers various aspects such as environmental practices, working conditions, human rights, and business ethics. Mincatec Energy has managed to stand out by demonstrating best practices in each of these areas, thus confirming its dedication to sustainable development.

What is CSR ?

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), as defined by the European Commission, is the voluntary integration of social and environmental concerns into a company’s business activities and its relationships with stakeholders.

In other words, CSR refers to the contribution of companies to the challenges of sustainable development.


ESG criteria : comprehensive evaluation of the sustainability of companies

ESG criteria (Environmental, Social, and Governance) allow for the evaluation of a company’s CSR approach. Beyond the economic aspect, these criteria take into account the social and environmental impacts of its activities. They define how the company considers sustainable development in its business operations and development strategy.


Environmental criteria refer to the practices and policies of the company regarding the management of natural resources, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, recycling, biodiversity conservation, and more. They also encompass the consideration of risks related to climate change and environmental disasters.


Social criteria pertain to the company’s practices regarding relationships with employees, suppliers, customers, and local communities. They encompass aspects such as human rights protection, fair working conditions, diversity and inclusion, health and safety, as well as social and philanthropic engagement.


Governance criteria assess the governance structure of a company, internal control mechanisms, transparency of financial information, and efforts to combat corruption. They also focus on how stakeholders’ interests are taken into account and the alignment of the company’s objectives with those of society as a whole.

Inspire Change: The Sustainable Development Goals

Committed to a forward-looking approach to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), we have integrated the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the core of our strategy.

By aligning our actions with the SDGs, we have identified areas where we can make a meaningful and positive contribution to society. These global goals, defined by the United Nations, consist of 17 objectives that address a wide range of social, economic, and environmental challenges facing our planet.

By specifically selecting the SDGs that align best with our industry and core values, we have established a clear and measurable roadmap to guide our sustainability efforts. Through this strategic approach, we aim to create a positive impact both within our company and in the communities where we operate.

Towards a Sustainable Future :
The CSR-ESG Approach of MINCATEC Energy in Action!

Our commitment to the SDGs translates into tangible and transparent actions grouped around five strategic and operational axes.  

We invite you to join us in this journey towards a better future because together, we can make a significant and lasting difference for future generations.